"Recruitment of ESL Students for the Milwaukee School of Engineering" by Allison Heine de Romero

Recruitment of ESL Students for the Milwaukee School of Engineering

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Sora Friedman


The Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), as with many academic institutions in the United States, has seen a consistent increase in the number of international students requiring intensive English as a second language (ESL) training. In a response to this need, in 2013, the MSOE Intensive ESL Program was launched. A pressing concern of this developing program is the lack of diversity and excellence of program participants. Effective promotional tactics to improve the program are sought by the many stakeholders of the program. Drawing on best practices from the field of international education and international student recruitment, the Course-Linked Capstone addresses all elements of a comprehensive program design with a focus on the development of a marketing and promotional plan.

Promotional tactics include utilization and advancement of web-based visibility through social networking, memberships, and agents. Furthermore, information on the MSOE website will be translated to several languages to target students with language deficiencies. Another approach to recruit ESL students is to utilize current students with the development of a Student Ambassador Program. This will allow potential students to be reached by trusted word-of-mouth sources. A final way to the increase enrollment and diversify is to form relationships with sponsors and programs that offer scholarships for students to study in the United States. With further development and promotion of MSOE’s ESL program, more students will learn of this outstanding opportunity which will lead to their educational success.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Educational Leadership | Higher Education Administration | Higher Education and Teaching | International and Comparative Education

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