"Mi cultura, Su cultura: A Cultural Exchange Program for Central Colleg" by Whitney J. Longnecker

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

William Hoffa


Central College is a 1,500-student, liberal arts higher education institution located in Pella, Iowa. The College boasts a study abroad participation rate of over 50 percent; however, the institution seeks to internationalize the campus beyond study abroad. At the request of Central College President Dr. Mark Putnam, a global taskforce consisting of faculty, staff and students formed to consider internationalization strategies and the taskforce is keen to welcome international students to the institution. Currently, a very small number of international students attend Central College and international student support services are decentralized and limited.

Mi Cultura, Su Cultura (MCSC) was developed to jump-start Central’s process of welcoming additional international students to campus. MCSC is a short-term cultural exchange and service-learning program which will bring 10 Mexican students from Marista University in Mérida, Mexico to Central College for one week during spring 2016. MCSC allows Marista University students and the Central community to share their cultures through formal and informal interaction. In addition, Marista University students will serve alongside their Central College peers during Central’s campus-wide Service Day. MCSC should be seen as a stepping stone as Central College works to create a campus environment that is more “more international in character and composition.”


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Higher Education | International and Comparative Education | Other Education


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