"Long-Term Impacts and Outcomes: SIT Study Abroad" by Marianne McGarrity

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

David Shallenberger


This capstone reports on the results of the SIT Study Abroad Long-Term Impacts and Outcomes survey, a research project designed to investigate how alumni would self-report impacts of their study abroad experience with regard to academic, personal, and professional outcomes. The principal question the study sought to answer was “How and to what extent do SIT Study Abroad programs impact alumni in the long term?” This paper focuses largely on the career outcomes of the alumni who participated in this research. A large percentage of SIT Study Abroad alumni report that impacts to their career choices were significant and that their study abroad experience was helpful in some unique ways when applying for graduate school or employment opportunities. In addition to working in internationally focused careers, alumni have gravitated towards some specific fields, according to data from the study. Alumni indicated how and to what extent their study abroad experience influenced their choice of professional field and academic study. Results seem to indicate that SIT Study Abroad alumni are highly accomplished as well as socially conscious, choosing the education, health, and nonprofit fields in large numbers. Some program variables are explored for their impact on outcomes and careers including program country, program theme, and participants’ declared undergraduate major. Implications for further study are discussed.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Higher Education | International and Comparative Education
