"Reframing SEA Semester®: A Model Living and Learning Program in Educa" by Katharine W. Enos

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

David Shallenberger


Sea Education Association (SEA) has educated nearly 7,500 undergraduates through its SEA Semester® study abroad programs since 1971. In an effort to refresh the brand and marketing efforts to influence enrollment and develop more institutional relationships, the program is being reframed in the context of a living-learning program (LLP). Two electronic surveys with Likert and open-ended questions were distributed to SEA Semester program alumni and academic contacts at sending institutions, both seeking to determine whether such an endeavor would be accurately representative and beneficial to enrollment and institutional relations. Alumni were asked to consider: what characteristics of SEA Semester programming are most representative of living-learning programs and why; and how have those characteristics produced outcomes commonly associated with living-learning programs, if at all? Their feedback was then informed by comments from academic colleagues at colleges and universities that sponsor LLPs. Both groups overwhelmingly supported the notion of SEA Semester as an LLP, but determined that such a reframing effort may be more successful within the academic realm than the student one.


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Higher Education


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