"Beyond NAFSA: An Assessment of Professional Development Needs of Secon" by Emily A. Keizer

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

David Shallenberger


For many professionals, attending a conference or workshop offered by a professional organization is a logical course of action. These resources help to expand knowledge of a field, improve performance at work and connect those who share interests. Almost every field has an organization or association of some sort that offers these type of professional development opportunities for individuals seeking to learn and grow in their work. However, high school level International Education professionals struggle to find this type of resource.

As an emerging subset of International Education, the field of international high school student advising is in need of a representative professional organization. More and more students are choosing to travel from abroad to the United States for their high school education. The professionals who work with these students need guidance to ensure they are able to provide the best possible support.

Interviews with high school International Educators in Connecticut and Massachusetts were conducted. The data collected provided insight into the current professional development needs of those in this field. These needs included a range of issues that should be addressed by professional organizations, including integrating international students, providing teacher trainings, increasing cultural sensitivity, curricular development, and third party accreditation. This study concludes by offering a set of guidelines for further opportunities.


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration | International and Comparative Education | Secondary Education and Teaching


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