"The Cradle of Humanity: A Program Proposal for Where There Be Dragons" by Emmanuel Dukundane

The Cradle of Humanity: A Program Proposal for Where There Be Dragons

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Dr. Raymond Young


This capstone paper introduces “The Cradle of Humanity,” a semester program proposal for college students designed for Where There Be Dragons (WTBD). The “Cradle of Humanity will offer a three-month intensive program in three African nations: Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, and the curriculum for this program focuses on International Service-Learning (IS-L) and participatory development. Based on Freire’s (1970) critical pedagogy, this program serves as a strong foundation for building and maintaining relationships in service-learning designed for social change. In addition to exploring service learning and development, this program also offers other components of WTBD’s curriculum: Student Home stays, Comparative Religion, Language Study, Student Independent Study Projects, and Rugged Travel. The “Cradle of Humanity” seeks to contribute to the field of critical international service-learning and it will serve as a model for future WTBD programs focused on service-learning and participatory development.


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Leadership | Other Education

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