"Communicating Across Cultures: An Intercultural Training For the Uni" by Christine Xiong

Communicating Across Cultures: An Intercultural Training For the University of Connecticut School of Law Staff and Faculty

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Raymond Young


This Capstone Paper introduces a program proposal for a two-day intercultural training for University of Connecticut School of Law (UConn Law) staff and faculty. The objective for the proposal of this training is to create better communication between staff and faculty and international students. This paper is based off of my experience and observations during my practicum phase as the International Programs Department Intern at the University of Connecticut School of Law. As the International Programs Intern, I attended monthly International Committee meetings. The International Committee at the University of Connecticut School of Law consists of staff from the Office of International Programs. After attending meetings as the intern, I came to realize that there was a communication issue between staff and international students.

This training will be broken up into four sessions: pre-program self-evaluation, the first day will be an overview of intercultural communications, the second day on Intercultural Communication Resolution, and post-program evaluations and post-program self-evaluation assessments. At the end of this training, University staff and faculty will be more knowledgeable, deepen awareness of intercultural communication and sensitivity and have developed skills and methods in approaching issues with international students.


Communication | Educational Leadership | Higher Education | Higher Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development

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