"Comprehensive Internationalization Strategy for the Boston Architectur" by Monica Dugo

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

David Shallenberger


The purpose of this study is to build the foundation of a comprehensive internationalization (CIZN) strategy plan within the constructs of the Boston Architectural College (BAC). In an effort to incorporate international policies within the institutional strategic plan, this research prioritizes international student services, due to its growing population. The BAC recently began admitting international students onto its small, private campus, and many international students are motivated to study at the BAC for its integrated path towards architectural licensure. The research utilizes a comparative analysis in order to explore the best practices in international student services with the intentions of building a more holistic CIZN strategy. Data was collected by surveying 68 international students and interviewing 9 faculty and staff members on the strengths and weaknesses of the BAC. The data revealed that though many international students enjoy the idea of concurrently working in the field and attending classes, they also face many unexpected challenges with regards to cultural norms, religious beliefs, time management, and language barriers. Their feedback was triangulated with a survey previously collected by the BAC’s president, as he formulates an institutional strategic plan to improve enrollment and retention numbers. The objective is not merely to create a CIZN strategy for the BAC; rather, to spread awareness on how internationalization is applicable to and imperative for the growth of the institution. Utilizing grounded theoretical frameworks from the American Council on Education (ACE, 2012) and Jane Knight (2000), the recommendations were compiled from the collected data and presented within an assessment tool to monitor and evaluate the progress of the BAC’s CIZN efforts.


Higher Education | International and Comparative Education
