"Destination Choice in Study Abroad" by Courtney Smith

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Sora Friedman

Second Advisor

Karla Giuliano Sarr


The most popular destinations for U.S. undergraduate study abroad are the United Kingdom (UK), Italy, Spain, and France, hosting 37.5% of all students who studied abroad in 2013-2014, with approximately 2-6% increases in each of those countries over the previous year (IIE, 2016). Despite world events and changing international relations interests, the majority of U.S. students continue to choose traditional destinations in study abroad. Using a factor analysis approach, this study seeks to determine which factors play the most significant role in undergraduate student destination choice for study abroad.

The results from this study indicate that the most important factors for students in making their destination choice are language ability and study, recommendations, university policies and study abroad structure, the academic environment in the host country, the cultural environment in the host country, previous or desired travel, and financial considerations. Increased awareness of the factors that students at this east coast liberal arts university consider most when planning their study abroad may aid study abroad advisors to better assist students in planning their undergraduate study abroad experience.


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