"Internationalizing Teacher Education: A Case Study of a School of Educ" by Florence Bromfield

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Ray Young


Schools of Education across the US are some of the furthest behind in the race to internationalize departments across campuses in higher education. What does this mean for students in the K-12 classroom? The purpose of this case study is to explore the internationalization of teacher education within the context of a medium-sized state university in the South-East of the US. Working with the School of Education on this campus, qualitative interviews and surveys were administered to faculty and pre-service teachers to understand the extent of internationalization at the university, and the needs of the K-12 classroom. For this research, global competencies were identified to demonstrate the success of an internationalized teacher education program and were used to explore these research questions:

What factors affect the global education of pre-service teachers at the mid-sized South-Eastern University? How is the School of Education internationalizing teachers’ education and what changes would stakeholders like to see? What steps need to be taken to implement more comprehensive internationalization?

Using Knight’s Internationalization Framework and The Longview Foundation Framework for Internationalizing Teacher Preparation, this research explores the needs of K-12 students in the current classroom, challenges to internationalizing teacher education and the steps needed to successfully implement changes to the existing teacher education program. The research found state and national requirements for certification were believed to be a barrier but with strategic planning and faculty support, a more cohesive approach to international education can be integrated into the curriculum, programs, and campus programing.


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Administration and Supervision | Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration | Elementary Education and Teaching | Higher Education | Higher Education Administration | Higher Education and Teaching | International and Comparative Education | Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching | Other Teacher Education and Professional Development | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education | Secondary Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development
