"Advocating for In-service Teacher Training in Mexico: English4Mexico" by Carrie Byrne

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Janet Thomas

Second Advisor

Linda Gobbo


The lack of English language proficiency among Mexican public school students, due to a deficit of skilled English language teachers, can have a profound effect on a students’ university prospects, study abroad opportunities, and earning potential. With the current emphasis on student mobility between the US and Mexico being promoted by the complementary initiatives of the Department of State’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas, of which NAFSA: Association of International Educators (NAFSA) is a partner, and Mexico’s Proyecta 100,000, now is the perfect time to bring together the international education community to help address this injustice.

The English4Mexico advocacy strategy was created using social media platforms, including a website, Facebook page, and Twitter account, to educate and organize the international education community. It encourages action from this community to push important stakeholders to fund and support the inclusion of in-service ESL teacher training in Mexico in these initiatives, with an eye toward the Inter-American Partnership for Education (IAPE) Intensive English Teacher Training program model as a best practice. English4Mexico calls for transformational change for Mexican teachers, their students, and the country that goes beyond gifting scholarships to a few thousand students to study abroad, and instead begins to create a stronger partner in student mobility, research, and workforce development for decades to come.


International and Comparative Education
