"A Comparative Approach to Non-Formal Education: The Power of Sport for" by Meghan McMillan

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Raymond Young


Non-formal education plays a vital role in the lives of our female youth. From positive self-talk to team unity, the number of life skills that are promoted through value based curriculums are innumerous. Due to the growing popularity of such programming, it is important to understand the distinguishing characteristics of each organization. Therefore, this comparative study will analyze the power of sport as a form of non-formal education, and its impact on girls in India, Cameroon, and the United States. This will be accomplished through individual interviews that will attempt to answer the following question: What distinguishes non-formal education from informal learning in relation to sports programs geared towards female youth?

Once the results from the qualitative research were analyzed, the following four themes emerged as being representative of the data: (1) Customized Goals, (2) Gaining Positive Life Skills, (3) Community Membership, and (4) Applicability of Learning. No matter the language, country, or even sport, commonalities could be found in the distinguishing characteristics for non-formal education sports programs geared towards female youth.

The results of this study can be used by non-formal education sports organizations to better understand the learning outcomes and how to better design a successful non-formal education sports program. Additionally, donors and volunteers play a huge role in the success of these organizations, therefore the results could also be used to educate future benefactors about the impact that their efforts could have on female youth around the world.


International and Comparative Education | Other Education | Sports Studies
