"Identity-Oriented Program" by Isaac Jorgensen

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Peter Simpson


This paper demonstrates why identity-oriented community college study abroad programs are more accessible for the diverse student populations that attend these institutions. It does this with a case study, a demographic analysis, and the theoretical support of The Experiential Learning Cycle (ELC) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). First it proves the lack of diversity within United States study abroad participants. Following this, the paper shows that community colleges house more underserved populations than four-year universities. Additionally, it illustrates the benefits of studying abroad and demographics specific to The Washington State Community College Consortium for Study Abroad (WCCCSA), and public baccalaureate institutions in Washington State. ELC and UDL are then introduced and applied to the Identity-Oriented Program (IOP) goals and objectives, curriculum, and every other aspect of the program. The budget makes clear that the implementation of an IOP does not have to incur additional costs for participants. The paper concludes that the most direct approach to increasing the enrollment of underserved populations within United States study abroad is through universally accessible community college programs that are identity-oriented.


Accessibility | Adult and Continuing Education | Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Community College Leadership | Curriculum and Instruction | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Disability and Equity in Education | Education | Higher Education | Higher Education and Teaching | Inequality and Stratification | Race and Ethnicity | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Social Statistics | Special Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development


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