"Assessing the Influence of Career-Linked Experiential Opportunities on" by Harrison Fuerst

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Ray Young


International mobility efforts in the United States have garnered increased attention and funding in recent years, with such government-led initiatives as Generation Study Abroad and 100,000 Strong driving up inbound and outbound student numbers. Recent inbound mobility reports from the Institute of International Education show double-digit percentage increases in international student enrollment. Other countries also experiencing an influx of international students continue to research these trends to shape their own education strategies. Research conducted by the International Education Association of Australia points specifically to hands-on professional experience and enhanced employability as key factors important to Australia’s international student population. As strategies take shape around the globe and U.S. institutions scramble to attract prospective international students, many questions arise: What do these students value in an institution? What are their perceptions of career-linked experiential education in the United States? How do career-linked experiential opportunities factor into the enrollment decision-making process of international students in the U.S. context? What are the implications for international student support strategies? Are elements of Australia’s national inbound mobility strategy worth importing? This study sets out to begin this conversation by focusing on the perspectives of current and former F-1 undergraduate students.

Keywords: internships, co-operative education, F-1 students, work-integrated learning, international student enrollment, practicum, school choice


Adult and Continuing Education | Australian Studies | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Community College Leadership | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Sociology | Education Economics | Education Law | Higher Education | Immigration Law | International and Comparative Education | International and Intercultural Communication | International Business | Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods | Other Communication | Service Learning | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Social Statistics | Tourism | Work, Economy and Organizations


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