"MA in International Education - Low-Residency Singapore Program" by Joyce Ting (Chen)

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Raymond Young


The Master’s of Arts (MA) in International Education (IE) Low-Residency Singapore Program is a new graduate program designed for SIT Graduate Institute. It is created to value-add to the current program offerings of SIT Graduate Institute. The MA in IE Low-Residency Singapore Program is a two year long program, and is delivered via a unique combination of online coursework and low-residency periods in Singapore. The program is designed to allow current working professionals to keep their current job in the field of International Education while pursuing a higher degree. Participants will study in Singapore for two weeks in the first year, and one week in the second. They will also be able to enroll in electives offered through SIT Study Abroad, as well as other graduate field courses. The online coursework piece will also provide an elevated level of flexibility, so that students can design the program around their active schedules.

The MA in IE Low-Residency Singapore Program with mirror the current MA in IE Low-Residency program offered by SIT Graduate Institute, in terms of coursework and other academic requirements. It will also provide extra attention to specific topics and issues most relevant to the Asian International Education scene, better preparing participants to work in the region and with the region. The targeted audience for this new program will be those interested, or already involved in developing the skills and knowledge needed to advance professionally in International Education, especially in Asia.


Adult and Continuing Education Administration | Asian Studies | Educational Administration and Supervision | Higher Education | International and Area Studies | International and Comparative Education | Online and Distance Education | Other Education
