"International Student Transitions After Yale (iSTAY): Career Developme" by Alison Young Eun Cho

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Lynee Connelly


International mobility is a significant aspect of internationalization with international student enrollment increasing exponentially on U.S campuses. A major motivator for studying in the U.S. is the correlation between international education and employment prospects. Through pursuing quality education in a globalized context, students, along with many other stakeholders, strive to be competitive in the globalizing workplace and accomplish social mobility through gaining intercultural competence and cultural capital. However, a review of literature and research indicates a void in scholarly understanding and comprehensive programs for international student support in career development and post-graduation transitions. The research demonstrated a need for career development resources and practices that is reflective of international student-specific challenges through a collaborative structure between international student services and career offices.

Yale University, an elite, Ivy, research university in New Haven, Connecticut is no exception to these trends and challenges. A needs assessment of current programs and institutional visibility of international students revealed a need for a comprehensive program that promotes post-graduation international student success. The proposed program, International Student Transitions at Yale (iSTAY) will use the experiential learning theory as a foundation to create a program that helps students develop career efficacy while building the capacity for self-authorship in their personal and professional plans after graduation. The academic year-long program for international undergraduate students will not only equip students with practical tools to get a job in the U.S., but also create a space for students to reflect upon their cross-cultural experience and international identity and be able to approach the transition from student to professional in a holistic and experiential way.


Higher Education | International and Comparative Education | Student Counseling and Personnel Services
