"The Implementation of the Extreme Visa Vetting Policy and its Effects " by Amelia Burke

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


The extreme visa vetting policy, or initiative, was first introduced during the 2016 presidential race by then candidate Donald Trump. During his campaign, he promised he would implement a process to more rigorously scrutinize visa applications for foreign nationals who wanted to temporarily come to the United States. After being elected president and taking office in January 2017, Trump fulfilled this promise by requiring Departments of Homeland Security and State to implement an extreme vetting process for visa applications, which is done by the creation of the extreme vetting policy. This paper presents an analysis of the extreme vetting policy through first giving a background on the U.S. immigration process and how it is discussed politically. It then describes and provides background of the extreme vetting policy and includes predictions of how the policy will affect international students and scholars. Lastly, this paper discusses how the policy analysis was conducted, which included interviews with professionals at a large healthcare provider, a large ivy-league university, and a small private university and review of online official reports and publications. This analysis of data allowed for a determination of effects of the policy on international students and scholars. This results clearly shows that this policy has had detrimental and lasting effects on the number of international students and scholars coming to the U.S., the visa processing wait times, the functionality of consulates abroad, and on the United States’ place in globalization.


International and Comparative Education
