"Student Teaching Cuenca: An Overseas Student Teaching Placement Progra" by Janae Knipp

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Raymond Young


The ethnic demographic of the United States is becoming more diverse, while the teacher population remains largely homogeneous. The interplay between the shifting student population and the stagnant teacher population can result in frustrated teachers who do not understand their students’ needs and students who are not well taught nor well served. One of the ways to equip our teachers is to create opportunities in higher education teacher preparation programs to study or teach abroad. Based on theory, studies, and assessment of the current state of pre-service teacher education through interviews and literature review, Student Teaching Cuenca is designed to be a comprehensive and unique international student teaching experience for student teachers at Taylor University that will greatly and positively impact their future personal and professional lives. Through practical, cultural, and reflective components, it will provide student teachers with opportunities to develop cultural confidence and intercultural competence in order to be effective educators for all students.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | International and Comparative Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
