"Incorporating Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) into " by Michelle Esche

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Drake Gobbo


Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is known as an innovative, cost-effective instructional method that promotes intercultural learning through online collaboration between faculty and students residing in different countries or locations within the context of a course. Two international faculty teaching courses in different locations typically partner to co-facilitate online collaborative activities, such as assignments, projects, presentations and discussions, between their students. COIL continues to grow as an important intercultural instruction tool in higher education as U.S. universities, and universities around the world, work to internationalize their campuses and curricula, as well as increase access to intercultural learning. At the same time, study abroad is highly valued as part of curriculum internationalization strategies, and as an intercultural, experiential and comparative learning tool. This training design outlines a model for training onsite study abroad faculty on incorporating COIL activities into undergraduate study abroad courses as a way to enrich the intercultural and comparative learning of study abroad students. Based on adult learning theory, experiential education and input from onsite administrators and faculty, the training is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary COIL partnerships among faculty participants and guide them through the COIL activity design process.


International and Comparative Education | Online and Distance Education
