"Integrating Student Development Theory into Education Abroad Advising" by Amanda Lentz

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Sora Friedman, Ph.D.


In higher education there is an emphasis on promoting the development of students. As research has found, this is equally important to employers. Theorists like Linda Riessler and Arthur Chickering have designated tasks that students must complete to develop into competent human beings. This has been recognized and valued by higher educational institutions and employers. There is an emphasis on the importance for students to have a global perspective and to be fully developed adults upon completion of their degree. As a means to meet this objective, students and administrators are looking to study abroad.

This research aims to support education abroad offices with resources to assist students to develop. These resources provide a theoretical foundation to identify competencies and strategic approaches to advising. Prior research has shown that students develop in some sense while abroad. However, students are more likely to have higher rates of development when advisors foster development in pre-departure advising.

Prior to conducting this research, it was hypothesized that education abroad advisors are challenged to centralize the student’s experience. Through collecting data in interviews and surveys, this limited sample suggests that this is the case. To support advisors, the analysis of the theory, literature, and data provides possible solutions for problems related to time, tasks, organization, and advising approaches.
