"Expanding Language Travel" by Stefani Sellers

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Raymond Young


This Course-Linked Capstone follows the guidelines for Design Concepts and Evaluation, and Design and Delivery. It is an expansion of the existing study abroad program called Language Travel (LT) at the International Language Institute of Massachusetts (ILI). The LT program presents a unique form of study abroad centered on adult language learners and incorporates their characteristics in the program and curriculum design. This capstone expands on the existing marketing, program structure, budget, and finances of the school and LT program. This capstone utilizes theories in education, andragogy, and linguistics to develop an adult language learner-based program, adhering to ILI’s values. A critical element of this capstone is to make it profitable to further support the Free Evening English Program offered at the school. The intention is to present this to the Executive Director and Board of Directors at ILI as a viable option for implementation.


Adult and Continuing Education | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction | Language and Literacy Education
