"Internationalization through Study Abroad at Miami University: A Look " by Kelsey Toyoda

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Raymond Young


Miami University, a public doctoral university located in Oxford, Ohio, is well known for its Internationalization efforts. This past year, it was one of five schools in the United States awarded the Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization by NAFSA. Study abroad is an important vehicle for internationalization efforts at Miami and is an important institutional priority. Over 50 percent of undergraduates participate in hundreds of study abroad and away programs before graduation. Miami University in recent years has ranked within the top six nationally of public universities sending undergraduate students abroad and within the top 25 among all universities in the U.S. While these accolades are impressive, it is not an opportunity that is accessible for all students.

The purpose of this study was to assess the climate of diversity and inclusion in study abroad at Miami University. Research was conducted through interviews, data analysis, and programming reviews to uncover who is and is not studying abroad at Miami University, what opportunities and challenges are in making study abroad accessible and supportive of all students. A review of existing research from the field of international education including various interpretations of internationalization, study abroad rationales, and studies on diversity and inclusion in study abroad are used as a foundation for recommendations. This broad study meant to uncover topics for future, more in-depth research and provides the Education Abroad and Away office at Miami University with the tools and knowledge necessary to work towards making study abroad accessible and inclusive of all students.


International and Comparative Education
