"Beyond the Buzzwords: A Framework of Inclusive Excellence for Leader H" by Chelsea Johnson

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Lynée Connelly


“Beyond the Buzzwords” examines practices in group leader hiring and training at The Experiment in International Living (The Experiment) through a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion, focusing primarily on racial identity and whiteness. As members of the diverse Generation Z, Experiment students experience myriad manifestations of social identity, amplified by the context of their host countries. Their adult group leaders, who historically are majority white female, are the stewards of their educational experience, responsible for mitigating identity-related incidents while supporting all students’ learning and growth.

Drawing upon principles of experiential and transformative learning, social justice education, student identity development, white fragility, and the nuance of identity abroad, Beyond the Buzzwords comprises recommendations for The Experiment to implement throughout the entirety of group leaders’ experience with the organization. Striving for inclusive excellence as it pertains to leaders both at The Experiment and in the field of international education, the framework centers on three core areas of focus: access (diversity of the leader cohort), awareness (critical identity self-reflection), and action (equitable and inclusive practices).


International and Comparative Education | Race and Ethnicity | Secondary Education | Secondary Education and Teaching
