Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in Sustainable Development

First Advisor

Bruce Dayton

Second Advisor

Jeff Unsicker


This inquiry conducts an analysis on the situation in Sudan and explores the “non-violence” campaigns waged in confronting power in Sudan. Nonviolence campaigns in this context are explained as political strategies and moral philosophies that reject the use of violence as a tool to settle differences. In Sudan, these attempts manifested as political defiance campaigns employing methods of popular struggle including civil disobedience, public demonstrations, sit-ins, non-obedience, non-cooperation and other tactics used by nonviolent movements around the world advancing change to achieve social goals. The strategy of peaceful confrontation is leveraged which despise submission and passive acquiescence, and armed struggle. This case study provides an in-depth explanation of how to conduct a national campaign for political and social change in Sudan by using nonviolent methods to prevent parliament to pass constitutional amendments that allow President Al-Bashir to run for a third term in 2020.
