Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in Intercultural Service, Leadership, and Management

First Advisor

Alla Korzh


AmeriCorps offers a variety of options for US citizens to serve their country in a non-military fashion while providing an opportunity for skill development, career exploration, community service, and self-growth. In exchange for service, AmeriCorps provides a minimal living allowance and an education award. Even with these benefits geared towards young adults, few young adults choose to enter AmeriCorps service upon the completion of their undergraduate studies. This research sought to understand motivations for and against service in an attempt to inform and improve AmeriCorps current recruitment practices. To understand how AmeriCorps can attract more young adults, a qualitative research study was conducted by employing online surveys with 73 AmeriCorps Members and 26 Non-Members; and interviews with two AmeriCorps employees. The findings revealed that the following factors influence recruitment: motivations for service, experiential poverty, preconceived notions of service, perspectives of compulsory service, challenges faced, and advertising/marketing. These findings informed recommendations on changes to the structure of AmeriCorps and improvements to current recruitment practices to help the organization increase its reach and influence the next generation of civically engaged citizens.


Civic and Community Engagement | Nonprofit Administration and Management | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Service Learning | Work, Economy and Organizations
