"Robotics in Japan: A Program Design for The Experiment in Internationa" by Allison Barnes

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Lynée Connelly

Second Advisor

Udi Butler


“Robotics in Japan” is a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) based program design for The Experiment in International Living (The Experiment). This design is for a four-week program for high school students. It is grounded in The Experiment’s mission and basic program structure. The purpose of Robotics in Japan is to add a STEM-based program to The Experiment’s portfolio in one of The Experiment’s most popular and marketable countries. In addition, this design adds a computer and technology theme, an area within STEM that has even less representation in The Experiment’s portfolio. In this paper, all necessary aspects to run this program are addressed. This includes pre-program aspects such as recruitment, marketing, staffing, and health and safety as well as on and after program information such as a basic program itinerary, goals and objectives, curriculum, crisis management, budget, and evaluation plan.

This program design is informed by research and literature on study abroad, adolescent development, STEM, robotics, and curriculum design. It is also informed by two needs assessment surveys, one completed by former Experiment Group Leaders and one completed by former Experiment participants. These assessments were anonymously completed online with no incentives for participation. The surveys showed successful student growth outcomes in a variety of identity development areas. The surveys also showed a primary participant interest in program destination and a perceived parent interest in computer and technology-themed programs. Robotics in Japan aims to capitalize on the student interest in Japan and the parent interest in computers and technology to add a STEM program grounded in theory to The Experiment’s 2021 catalog.


Educational Leadership | Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration | International and Comparative Education | Science and Mathematics Education | Secondary Education
