"Identifying the Gaps in Resources for Education in Emergencies" by Kate Chung

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Karla Sarr


When children are thrust into emergencies, either by natural disasters or man-made conflict, education has until recently always taken a backseat. The field of humanitarian aid which focuses on the delivery of material assistance to people in emergency settings, has become more professionalized over the past two decades as conflicts become more complex. Humanitarian aid has always involved the provision of food, shelter and medical care. In the past few decades, however, education for those affected by emergencies that focuses on the practical provision of livelihood skills while also conveying conflict resolution and peace-building skills has become an increasingly important part of a humanitarian response. This research was conducted in conjunction with the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) which is a coordinating body in the Education in Emergencies (EiE) field and offers a number of resources to help EiE professionals. This study explores the history and foundations of EiE and seeks to answer the question “What are the gaps in resources for the EiE field?” The research was conducted utilizing three methods: 1) a survey of EiE professionals about the resources they use in the field; 2) a review of the INEE database and, 3)a list of inquiries from EiE professionals seeking assistance. Results concluded that there are gaps in terms of materials for specific vulnerable groups, data collection, inter-sectoral/inter-agency collaboration and training on existing materials. Closing these gaps will result in a more effective resource database for EiE professionals to use in their daily practice of providing education services to those affected by conflict.


International and Comparative Education
