"Supporting Latinx College Students Study Abroad" by Nicole Melendez

Embargo Period


Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Dr. Sora Friedman


Low participation of Latinx students in study abroad is something U.S. educators should be aware of and start to address. As the Latinx student population grows in higher education, growth of this population in study abroad should follow. The purpose of this research is to compile best practices and supports that can be implemented by international education professionals to support Latinx students who study abroad at their institutions. The research will answer the following research questions: how can international educators support Latinx students to study abroad? How can the current supports in place for Latinx students (in higher education) be leveraged to help them study abroad?

Using surveys and interviews with international educators who work in study abroad and Latinx students who have studied abroad this study analyzed their opinions on best practices. Relevant barriers revealed included a lack of finances, lack of parental support and students not fitting in. The supports discovered for Latinx students comprise of financial support, parental support, program and location content, and outreach and marketing. There needs to be a special attention paid to identity of Latinx students as well as how different intensity factors might affect them abroad.

International educators can implement the supports mentioned, however, they must keep in mind that Latinx students can have other varying identities. Professionals will need to understand who their Latinx students are individually so not to assume what supports will be most beneficial. Further studies are needed to understand what specific Latinx identities need specific supports. It could depend on intensity combinations and students’ institutions.

Keywords: Latinx, study abroad, supports, best practices, identity, international educators


International and Comparative Education
