"Assessing the Impact of Study Abroad on Career Development for Economi" by Kelly Keniston

Degree Name

MA in International Education

First Advisor

Linda Gobbo


This study examines how economics major alumni from a small liberal arts college in New England perceive the effect of their study abroad experience on personal career development. The purpose of this study is to help students who study abroad gain an understanding of how their experience may affect their career choice. The research is conducted and analyzed in a grounded theory method with Holland’s theory of career development as a conceptual framework. Twenty three participants completed an on-line survey. All participants finished their undergraduate degree 5-6 years before the start of the research. The paper supports the positive links between study abroad and career development. It finds that just over half of participants perceive a change in career development due to their experience, and it categorizes the changes by interests, skills, and values.


Curriculum and Instruction | International and Comparative Education


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