"Using Documentary Film as a Tool for Conscientization among Youth: A C" by Mellanie Febrista


This paper investigates how and in what ways documentary films can be used to raise consiousness of social issues among youth. This study was conducted in Makassar, capital of South Sulawesi province, eastern of Indonesia. It is ethnography and case study utilizing surveys and focus group discussions.

Alumni of Youth Camp and Siswa Sebagai Peneliti (Students-as-Researchers), programs organized by Yayasan Rumah KAMU (Rumah Kamu Foundation), were selected as research participants. Ten alumni participated in the survey and eight of them attended five focus group sessions. Each session consisted of one or two films and followed by discussion. There were four themes of the selected films: media, health, rural education and rural livelihood.

This study concluded that documentary film can be used as a tool to raise conscientization among youth, if it is supported by discussions to connect the participants experience with the information presented by the documentaries. Thus the documentary films served as trigger for raising awareness of social issues, and the discussions enrich their critical thinking and find ways to take actions.


Film and Media Studies | Politics and Social Change
