"The impact of Proshika’s women’s development program on participants l" by Shahidul Islam


Proshika is a non-governmental development organization in Bangladesh, working for empowerment for the last two decades. This study mainly focused on how Proshika's Women's Development Program has empowered women in their families and in society. What has been the effect of Proshika's Women's Development Program on participants, families and society? To compare and understand the changes, data was collected from participant and non participant respondents, through structured interviews and participant observation. A literature review and my personal working experiences structured the data analysis. From this study I found, as a result of Proshika's Women's Development Program and intervention in the society, participants have developed a collective attitude and are organized in different levels of People's Organization to improve human capital and develop material resources. Another outcome is that participants can analyze and articulate their problems to others. Third, participants became confident in themselves, and they became committed to changing discrimination. In addition, participants became conscious of class and gender issues. Finally, the program helped to increase and create employment for participants. Participants also have become actively involved in social activities. Women's empowerment is related to values and ideologies. These cannot change overnight. Women's empowerment is a continuous process. Through the participation of development partners, this process can be strengthen and enhanced. Proshika's Women's Development Program is an effective beginning to changing women's situations. Eventually and gradually, it will affect the greater society in Bangladesh.


Women's Studies
