"Impact of involving women in select dimensions of poverty alleviation " by Abdur Rakib


This paper is about how women in Gonoshangothan can empower themselves through the Social Mobilization Program and how Gonoshangothan influence and participate in the local decision making process for ensuring their rights. This study was carried out at GSS, the organization for which I have been working for the last thirteen years as an administrative staff member. This small-scale field research was undertaken at the Domar and Nilphamary Thana in the district of Nilphamary. I have used an interpretive research paradigm in this study.

From the field research, I found the way in which women seemed to have gained from participation in Gonoshangothon was by increasing their awareness about Problems, Power, Legal Rights, and Health Facilities. The Functional School helped to develop a sense of oneself as an equal and capable human being with full rights.

Women are aware and they considered themselves as a part of the decision making process in Union Parishad, Local Consultative nodes, and taking join in decision-making with their husbands. They also learned how to solve conflict and problems through collective decision making and most of the conflict was solved through the intervention of GS members.

Research found that mobility had positively affected the poor's lives. The poor are now able to visit Government offices, they know how to bargain for minimum wages, they are now raising voice for equal rights, and also they are now aware about their children's education.

Significant findings of this research show that marriage without dowry and its implementation stage in GSS Nilphamary is working and poor people are starting to discuss the bad impact of dowry.

Researcher found that women have been involved in the economic activities and improved their economic position. Women started generating funds collectively towards Self Help Credit and are involved in credit operation.

The conclusions of this paper are relevant to GSS, Social Mobilization Program and those NGOs who are working on awareness raising and empowerment of the grass roots development.


Inequality and Stratification | Public Affairs | Social Welfare
