SIT Digital Collections - Conflict, Memory, and Reconciliation: Bridging past, present, and future: Panel—Memory, Justice, and Human Rights

Panel—Memory, Justice, and Human Rights

Presenter Information

Start Date

12-1-2012 1:30 PM

End Date

12-1-2012 3:00 PM


Colonial Inquiries and the Politics of Testimony

Carmela Murdocca, York University

Perpetrators’ Confessions during Ongoing Conflict Situations

Ruthie Ginsburg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Reading of the Painful Past in a Non-democratic Setting: The Case of Morocco

Abdelhay Moudden, SIT Study Abroad

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Import Event to Google Calendar

Jan 12th, 1:30 PM Jan 12th, 3:00 PM

Panel—Memory, Justice, and Human Rights

Colonial Inquiries and the Politics of Testimony

Carmela Murdocca, York University

Perpetrators’ Confessions during Ongoing Conflict Situations

Ruthie Ginsburg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Reading of the Painful Past in a Non-democratic Setting: The Case of Morocco

Abdelhay Moudden, SIT Study Abroad