The Effectiveness Of Using Computer Assisted Instruction In Teaching English As A Foreign Language In A Japanese Secondary School (Fukuoka, Japan)
This paper examines the history and the current state of computer-assisted language teaching and learning to provide a context for the present study. A discussion of teaching English using computer-mediated communication in Japan is also described along with an explanation of the courseware used. The study involved one hundred eighty-six high school students learning Oral Communication 1 in a traditional classroom environment and in a computer classroom environment using Dynamic English 1 courseware. The participants were assessed quantitatively and qualitatively before and after five lessons to determine their progress and attitudes towards CALL. The students' results were analyzed and compared.
The major conclusion of the study is that CALL was most effective for those students who had a lower ability and the CALL lessons were interesting. Those students who had a higher ability found the courseware too easy for them and were likely to have lost interest, contributing to the unexpected results. A clear majority of the students would have liked to continue the CALL lessons for longer.