Independent Study in Journalism (ISJ) Collection | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad Research | SIT Digital Collections

The ISJ, or Independent Study in Journalism, is focus and culmination of the Morocco: Field Studies in Journalism and New Media program and is a major feature story in the student's preferred media format – print, video, audio, photography, and/or multimedia. This story is considered for publication (print, broadcast, or online) under the student’s byline. Students with intermediate high or advanced French or Arabic may be able to submit their stories to Moroccan media outlets in the target language. Students find, research and execute this story under the expert guidance of experienced, veteran journalists affiliated with Round Earth Media, both Americans and Moroccans. The ISJ includes not only the feature story but also the student's story pitch along with reflections on the development & evolution of the story idea, sources, interviews, scenes, journalism ethics, potential media outlet and audience along with photos (if it is a print piece), and the student's reflections about what might have been done better in addition to potential story follow up.

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Morocco: Field Studies in Journalism and New Media