"How Do Religion and Belief Systems Influence Traditional Medicine and " by Whitney Franklin

Home Institution

University of Texas at Austin

Publication Date

Summer 2011

Program Name

Madagascar: Traditional Medicine and Health Care Systems


Religion and beliefs consistently shape social structures, laws, and even medicine. In Madagascar, this is extremely evident when considering traditional medicine but also exists in modern medicine. Christianity and traditional beliefs are the two main systems that have shaped traditional medicine to what it has become today. These opposites function as a duality that becomes apparent when looking at certain events in Madagascar’s history and the examination of the evolution and rituals performed in the different types of traditional medicine. Through the methodology of interviewing traditional healers and gathering historical information from experts in lectures, I can make sure to get the most accurate information and the point of view from those participating in the system themselves.


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Comparative Methodologies and Theories | Family, Life Course, and Society | Medicine and Health | Public Health | Religion

