Home Institution

University of New Hampshire

Publication Date

Fall 2011

Program Name

Jordan: Modernization and Social Change


As one of the driest countries in the world, it is a challenge for Jordan to find adequate domestic and regional water resources to draw from that will provide long term, healthy solutions that are in the country’s political and economic interest. The use of the Disi Aquifer as a domestic water resource has been a contested subject for several decades. With the completion of the project nearly in sight, it is important to ensure that the government provides sustainable goals for the country in order to keep up with population growth and the increasing demand for water. This paper hypothesizes that the Disi Aquifer will provide short-term benefits, but that it will harm Jordanian society in the long term. This paper uses information gathered from farmers and local households in the Disi area as well as scientists and leaders in Jordan’s water policy arena who research and contribute to decisions made in regard to the country’s future with water. In order for there to be long-term benefits from the use of the Disi, the government needs to provide reform within the water network and accommodate farmers currently in the Disi area with potential work alternatives. The Jordanian government must establish long term international water-sharing goals and ensure that the water of the Disi, which will provide resources to at least one third of Jordan’s population, is as contaminant-free as possible in order to ensure that there is not a national health crisis in the future.


Environmental Health and Protection | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Water Resource Management


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