"Effect of Light Level on Feeding Behavior in a Lemur Species (Eulemur " by Ainsley Lockhart

Home Institution

Kenyon College

Publication Date

Spring 2012

Program Name

Madagascar: Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management


Understanding the visual capabilities and correlated behavior of prosimians provides vital information regarding the evolution of color vision. Feeding behavior in particular is often modified based on color vision status in various primate taxa. The present study examined feeding behavior under various light conditions in Eulemur rubriventer, a lemur species with a color vision polymorphism in which only females can have trichromatic vision. Behavioral observations were conducted for a single E. rubrventer group over a 13 day study period in April 2012. Results found no significant difference in rates of frugivory or exploitation of green vs. non-green food between male and female E. rubriventer. However, female E. rubriventer were found to exploit non-green food at a higher average light level than males. Overall, results are suggestive of some behavioral modifications for dichromats based on light level.


Behavior and Ethology | Biodiversity | Other Animal Sciences

