Home Institution

Wesleyan University

Publication Date

Fall 2007

Program Name

Cameroon: Development and Social Change


Arabica coffee production in Cameroon is struggling. Coffee growers and their plants are aging rapidly due to a lack of incentives to continue production. The downturn in arabica production started in the 1980’s, with the drop in the world price of coffee and the privatization of formerly government-run programs and agricultural cooperatives. Financial problems continue today because there are no structures to replace those organizations which offered financial and technical support. This paper will examine the constraints facing arabica coffee growers today and the options available to them for the amelioration of their situation. This is achieved primarily through interviews with coffee growers, government and cooperative workers, and micro credit institutions. The paper then suggests the steps that must be taken by all parties involved in arabica production and trade to insure the continuation of this important crop into the future.


Business | Growth and Development


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