"The Story of Eej Khad: Mother Spirit of the Earth and Her Children" by Ethan Gohen

Home Institution

Brandeis University

Publication Date

Fall 2007

Program Name

Mongolia: Culture and Development


This paper is an attempt to collect and present knowledge on the subject of Eej Khad, which translates to Mother Rock, in one single place. Since very little has been written about Eej Khad, it is an attempt to preserve knowledge that might easily be lost. Eej Khad is a widely popular granite rock in central Mongolia that worshippers believe has the power to fulfill their dreams. The information presented in this paper is collected almost entirely from interviews with people willing to share what they know or believe about Eej Khad. It does not judge the opinions of individuals, but rather attempts to place these opinions in a dialogue so that one might speak to or illuminate another. This study collects origin Legends of Eej Khad, of which there are different versions, as well as stories of her actions. It records worship practices, of which there are many variations. It explores explanations of her power, which relate to concepts of land energy. It discusses her relationship with organized religion in Mongolia, namely Shamanism and Buddhism. A rough history is established ending with a look at the current social controversy surrounding the Eej Khad location. In conclusion, this paper links the worship of Eej Khad to a more general Mongolian reverence for Nature. It ends with a consideration of what processes put Eej Khad and Nature as a whole at risk in the modern day.


Anthropology | History of Religions of Eastern Origins | Social and Cultural Anthropology


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