Publication Date

Spring 2013

Program Name

Kenya: Urbanization, Health, and Human Rights


Parasitic infections such as malaria and intestinal worms plague many tropical and sub-tropical regions. The Kwale district of Kenya is among one of these regions and provides many circumstances that make these parasites endemic to the area. Pregnant women are part of the major groups affected by parasites. Although clinical professionals are making great attempts at reducing the chances for parasitic infections in these women, there are still some factors that are out of their control. Most women do not receive their drinking water from a secure water source and a majority of the women did not have the financial ability to maintain a balanced diet during their pregnancy. This allots for an increase in malnutrition leaving many of the women more vulnerable to infection. From a study of 107 women, 27 have been infected with worms and 15 have gotten malaria during the course of pregnancy. Co-morbidity between intestinal worms and malaria were rare in this community. Roundworms and tapeworms proved to be the most prevalent in these areas and most women infected showed signs of maternal anemia. More research is necessary to determine the direct correlation between anemia and these infections.


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Maternal and Child Health | Public Health Education and Promotion | Women's Health


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