Home Institution

Pomona College

Publication Date

Fall 2012

Program Name

Brazil: Social Justice and Sustainable Development


Drug sentencing is a pressing issue in Brazil. With the context of high and increasing rates of crime and drug use, overcrowded prisons, and high rates of recidivism both in terms of prison and drug addiction, attitudes of individuals towards drug sentencing policy are worthy of observation and examination.

The objective of this monograph is to examine discourse by informants, five individuals who interact with sections of society most affected by drug sentencing, namely drug users. This monograph will consider pluralistic observations on, and evaluations of, drug sentencing practices, implementation of drug sentencing, an overview of the broader debate over the legal status of drugs, which by proxy affects drug sentencing, and harm reduction and prevention as alternative approaches to managing drug-related conflict.


Community-Based Research | Criminal Procedure | Family, Life Course, and Society | Inequality and Stratification | Law Enforcement and Corrections | Politics and Social Change | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Social Welfare


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