"Jordanian Ethical Perceptions of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis" by Sarah C. Miller

Home Institution

Kenyon College

Publication Date

Fall 2013

Program Name

Jordan: Health and Community Development


Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure that can be done during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), involving genetic and chromosomal screening of fertilized embryos prior to implantation into a woman’s uterus. After PGD, only the embryos possessing the desired characteristics are implanted, while the other embryos are frozen for future use, or discarded. PGD is used for family balancing (gender selection for balancing the gender dynamic within a family), gender selection to screen out sex-linked diseases, or a broader genetic screening for diseases known to be present in the patient’s family history.

Many ethical questions have been raised about PGD, especially in its use for family balancing. The root of ethical views may be linked to culture, religion, or social tradition. It is the goal of this research to understand the ethical views of Jordanian medical professionals involved in PGD regarding the practice through in-depth interviews, and to explore the opinions of the general public regarding PGD in order to gain a broader understanding of Jordanian ethical perceptions behind PGD. Do medical professionals see PGD as ethical? What is the spectrum of this? Do young adults have opinions about family balancing, genetic screening, and their legality? These answers are needed to further understand ethics of PGD, where they are derived from, and what the future of the procedures may look like.

The findings of this study highlight the complexity behind the roots and ethics of PGD. The significance of this study lies in its analysis of opinions in Jordan, a country without legal restrictions of PGD. Because many countries do not consider some, if not all, aspects of PGD legal, it is necessary to understand the perceptions of those who are working and living in Jordan. Only by further understanding the root ethics behind beliefs regarding PGD will analysis of issues be possible.


Medicine and Health Sciences | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Reproductive and Urinary Physiology


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