"Quality of Emergency Departments in Amman Evaluated by the Availabilit" by Seif Laeth Sari Nasir

Home Institution

Creighton University

Publication Date

Spring 2014

Program Name

Jordan: Health and Community Development


The present study aims to determine the quality of emergency health care in Jordan by assessing the availability of essential emergency equipment in emergency departments in Amman. This study uses a cross-­‐sectional questionnaire assessing the accessibility of equipment and medication in emergency departments, as well as eliciting the opinions of the participants regarding the future development of the emergency medical sector in Jordan. The questionnaires were distributed to the physician directors of every participating hospital emergency department in Amman, and completed by the physician director excepting two cases, one of which was completed by the head staff nurse, and the second of which was completed by a medical resident on emergency medicine rotation. Results suggested that although emergency departments in Jordan are generally well equipped, variability in departmental processes and physician opinion suggest that improvements could be made in the emergency health care sector that could improve patient outcomes, efficiency, and working conditions. Respondents most notably mentioned the need for specialized emergency physicians and a greater number of staff members. Many physicians felt that improvements in staff training would improve the delivery of emergency care. Problems with overcrowding of emergency departments and unnecessary use by low acuity patients often interferes with delivery of appropriate care to critical patients, and may drive up health care costs. Respondents discussed the need for the development of a formal trauma unit and priority triage screening for critical patients. Physicians also criticized the emergency medical technician (EMT) system, suggesting that better training of EMTs would improve outcomes and efficiency. In addition, coordination between Civil Defense ambulances and emergency rooms could be improved.


Emergency Medicine | Health Policy | Health Services Administration | Health Services Research


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