"Análisis comparativo de los gobiernos locales: La política del medio " by Nicolás Thorpe

Home Institution

Rice University

Publication Date

Fall 2013

Program Name

Chile: Social, Economic, and Political Transformation


With the approval of many international environmental agreements and the passage of national environmental laws, Chile has gradually created institutions at the national level that focus on environmental policy. However, given local government’s proximity to the people and their demands, local authorities also play an important role in environmental protection and sustainable development. This investigation answers the following question: What are the factors that influence a commune to have an environmental policy? After describing Chile’s national environmental policy and intergovernmental relations, this investigation will compare two communes in the metropolitan area of Santiago: La Pintana and Peñalolén, which both have well-planned environmental policies. Through the use of observation analysis, document analysis, and interviews, this investigation finds that some of the most influential factors in a commune are environmental awareness, corporate responsibility and the improvement of the quality of life, among others.


Community-Based Research | Demography, Population, and Ecology | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Policy | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Place and Environment | Politics and Social Change


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