Home Institution

Colby College

Publication Date

Fall 2014

Program Name

Tanzania-Zanzibar: Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management


Mangrove ecosystems, along with other coastal vegetation, have tremendous potential to be abundant carbon sinks. With the prospect of carbon sequestered in coastal ecosystems starting to be explored in carbon credit markets, this study attempts to assess the feasibility of a mangrove-based carbon business in Makoba Bay, Unguja, Zanzibar. An aboveground carbon estimation demonstrates that the mangrove forest of Makoba Bay is a recovering ecosystem, but has the potential to be initiated into a program such as REDD+ in the future. Social surveys in both Makoba Bay and Chwaka Bay also indicate that a number of improvements would have to be made to existing project efforts before a carbon business would be successful. Proper attention must be given to issues such as education, support for alternative livelihoods, strengthening of mangrove replantation programs, and the establishment of a Community Forest Management Agreement between the government and the communities of Makoba Bay.


Environmental Sciences | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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