Home Institution

Johns Hopkins University

Publication Date

Fall 2014

Program Name

Jordan: Health and Community Development


Jordan’s total fertility rate has remained stagnant at 3.5 births per woman since the early 2000s (Malkawi, 2013). Palestinian refugees make up 20% of the population of Jordan, significantly contributing to this fertility rate (Jordan: UNRWA, 2014). The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived level of voice Palestinian women have in family planning counseling at UNRWA clinics and how this perception influenced the success of the counseling. The research was built on the hypothesis that a low level of patient input and consultation during family planning counseling appointments at UNRWA clinics contributed to the stagnated fertility rate. This hypothesis was investigated to offer UNRWA family planning providers information on how to best improve the quality of services. In order to gather accurate perceptions held by Palestinian women, in-depth interviews were conducted with patients at an UNRWA family planning clinic. Additionally, an interview with a family planning nurse was conducted to find out more about the services offered at the clinic. Brochures available to patients at clinics were also analyzed to get an idea of the information available to patients about contraceptive methods offered to them. The interviews and analysis of material culture revealed a high-perceived level of voice in family planning counseling at UNRWA clinics, however, societal pressures proved to be the greatest obstacle for Palestinian women to effectively and freely utilize family planning services. This finding allows for more research to be done on the sources of societal pressures and how they influence decision-making concerning family planning. Keywords: public health, family planning, modern contraceptives, refugees


Medical Education | Public Health Education and Promotion | Women's Health


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