"The Complicated ‘Colours’ of Rhythm: A Study of Capetonian’s Battle fo" by Joseph Thomas Dover

Home Institution

University of Colorado

Publication Date

Fall 2014

Program Name

South Africa: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


This project delves into the Cape Town Hip Hop scene in an attempt to uncover how it is an inclusive and empowering space that allows individuals to deconstruct and reconstruct individual and group identities in order to subvert colonial narratives. In order to uncover the power of Hip Hop this project uses 3 interviews with individuals intimately connected to the Hip Hop scene and reviews an abundance of literature surrounding the topic. The history of ‘coloured’ as a racial classification is analysed alongside with other research and is placed within the context of contemporary Capetonian Hip Hop in order to uncover 1) the history of Hip Hop and rap music in Cape Town, 2) how it is a space where the ‘coloured’ identity can be explored, negated, or empowered, 3) how local forms of rap music are very much localised and are not forms of American imperialism, and 4) how local Capetonian Hip Hop fits into the global Hip Hop Movement. Tis project is situated as a part of the Hip Hop Movement and in conjunction with the participants in order to further develop studies in Hip Hop and how it brings a voice to the voiceless and a spotlight to the invisible.


African Studies | Arts and Humanities | Civic and Community Engagement | Dance | Performance Studies | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies


Article Location
