Home Institution

Trinity College / Bucknell Univeristy

Publication Date

Fall 2015

Program Name

Tanzania-Zanzibar: Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management


The concept of eco-tourism as a culturally sensitive, ecologically beneficial alternative to traditional vacations is a fairly new idea. While on the surface it seems positive for everyone involved, there are complexities in the relationships between all parties. This study explores the ties between the community forest, the tourists, and biodiversity (specifically endemic lemur populations) in the VO.I.M.MA Community Managed Forest. This study found that the community forest model is sustainable, based on the criteria of protecting biodiversity and satisfying customers. To truly promote a sustainable business model in the future (ecologically as well as economically), the center could improve publicity and education opportunities for local families as well as tourists.


Environmental Sciences | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Tourism
