"“Il Faut Manger” : Eating Disorders in Cameroonian Women" by Jennifer Madowitz

Home Institution

Wesleyan University

Publication Date

Fall 2006

Program Name

Cameroon: Development and Social Change


The purpose of this study is to investigate unhealthy eating attitudes and negative body images in young Cameroonian women. The study will center around a standardized questionnaire that covers eating attitudes. The research will also focus on the traditional Cameroonian idea of beauty, versus the more Western, “modern,” body image that is popular today. By exploring cultural factors through observation, as well as interviews, and analyzing key statistics from the questionnaire, this paper has come to the conclusion that though the problem of eating disorders and body dissatisfaction are not as high in Cameroon as they are in the United States, young women today are having an increasing amount of trouble avoiding problems with eating disorders and body dissatisfaction.


Gender and Sexuality | Psychology


Article Location
